
ever/after asks Krochet Kids, “How do YOU change the story?”

Posted in Change the Story by christy winston on June 8, 2010

If you haven’t already heard how much ever/after loves a little non-profit called Krochet Kids Int. then apparently you don’t read our blog.  Why do we love the “kids” so much?  Because everything Krochet Kids Int. does is not about promoting self, but about serving others.  Their mission is “To empower people to rise above poverty.”  A simple mission with a powerful model.  Here’s how co-founder, Kohl Crecelius, sums it up: “We work with war-affected thankful womenpopulations in Northern Uganda and we are in the business of empowerment.  We come alongside women and families who are living within inches of complete despair and offer hope through a fair and consistent income.  The women learn to crochet, and are given jobs creating headwear and other fashion accessories.  Yet this is just the beginning.  True empowerment is realized through our programs as these women dream and plan for their own independent future.  We simply equip them with the tools and resources to take hold of their own lives.”

Krochet Kids was founded by a few dudes who decided to take a skill they were given, and out of love, use it to help 70+ women in Uganda.   By doing that, these women are now able to provide food for their babies, a home for extended family members, and education for their kids!  If that doesn’t inspire you, let me say that again.  There is food on the table, shelter, and a confident hope in the hearts of kids across Uganda.  Imagine the relief these women must feel and the love they have for the guys who made it happen!  It’s incredible how such a simple idea can have a substantial effect when it’s born from hearts that are willing to serve.  “From our beneficiaries in Uganda, to our staff based right here at home, it is always our hope that we wouldn’t be the ones changing the story.  We just hope to be catalysts,” says Kohl.

What simple ideas are you holding on to that maybe you just need a little nudge to put them into effect?  Get to it and change the story.

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